19 October, 2009

BlackBerry Device Software Web Update Now Working with Firefox - Finally!!!!

BlackBerry Web Update

Until now the only way to use the BlackBerry Web Update to upgrade your device software was through Internet Explorer. It looks like now the updater is also working with Firefox (finally). I'm not sure how many actually use the web update as opposed to Dekstop Manager or App Loader, but at least now the option is there. Apparently RIM wasn't willing to go all out and fully integrate however, since Firefox requires an "Apploader Web" MSI download (about 30mb) before you can get up and running. Regardless, a much better option now if you are unwilling (like myself) to use IE more than you have to.

BlackBerry Desktop Manager for Mac Updated to v1.0.1

Desktop Manager for Mac Updated

It looks like the less than a month old Desktop Manager for Mac has already received an update. Reports are flying in that the software has been updated to v1.0.1 Build 2. What does that mean? Well we're not totally sure as there is no updated changelog posted yet for 1.0.1 at docs.blackberry.com. But we do know the first build had a few bugs left in it. If you find something different be sure to leave a comment and let us know.

18 October, 2009

Art Gallery Themes untuk Blackberry Tour 9630

OTA Link:

Dictionary.com Luncurkan App Dictionary dan Thesaurus Gratis Khusus BlackBerry

Dictionary.com baru saja merilis app BlackBerry terbaru mereka yang bisa didapatkan secara gratis di situs mereka dan BlackBerry App World. Didukung oleh database yang mencakup 500.000 kata, definisi, dan sinonim, app ini juga dilengkapi fitur audio pronunciations, spelling suggestions, dan fitur paling populer di Dictionary.com “Word of the Day” yang tersedia dalam bahasa Inggris dan Spanyol. Fitur hebat lainnya adalah app ini berintegrasi dengan BlackBerry email system sehingga Anda bisa dengan cepat mengakses suatu definisi atau sinonim kata atau frasa tertentu sembari membaca atau menulis email. Berikut ini daftar lengkap fitur-fiturnya:

Dictionary.com – Dapatkan akses ke kamus paling lengkap dan up-to-date yang menyediakan hingga lebih dari 325.000 definisi kata dan spelling suggestions (saran ejaan)

Thesaurus.com – Telusuri persamaan kata pada mesin pencari tesaurus yang berhasil meraih penghargaan bergengsi online version of Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus yang memiliki lebih dari 275,000 daftar persamaan kata

Phonetic & Audio Pronunciations – Dengarkan pronunciations (pelafalan) kata cukup dengan menekan tombol audio

Dictionary.com Word of the Day dalam bahasa Inggris dan Spanyol – Pelajari kata baru setiap hari lengkap dengan definisi dan contoh asli dari tulisan yang telah diterbitkan melalui fitur Dictionary.com terpopuler yang diakses oleh jutaan orang per harinya

Recent History – Lihat list yang bisa diedit dari kata-kata yang baru saja dicari

Fungsi Social Networking – Email atau SMS kata apa pun beserta definisinya kepada orang lain langsung dari app

Email Integration – Fitur ini eksklusif untuk pengguna BlackBerry smartphones, pengguna app ini bisa secara kilat mengakses sinonim atau definisi sembari membaca atau menulis email.

Untuk saat ini app ini tersedia untuk Pearl, Bold, Tour, Curve dan semua device seri 8800, Anda bisa mendownload app Dictionary.com ini hari ini juga. Untuk device lainnya akan segera support tak lama lagi, dan untuk sementara waktu bisa menggunakan versi mobile Dictionary.com.

• Download link:

Facebook 1.7 Now Available for Download!

Facebook version 1.7 Now Available

* Update: Facebook 1.7 is now live on the App World client as well! *

There were some rumors floating around the forums that Facebook 1.7 would make its debut today, and it looks like they panned out to be true! The update isn't live on App World just yet, but you can download it by visiting blackberry.com/facebook or m.facebook.com on your BlackBerry's web browser. So what's new?

Facebook Mobile for BlackBerry (version 1.7) provides the following feature enhancements:

  • News Feed Support - The ability to set the News Feed as the landing page
  • News Feed Filters - The ability to toggle between 'News Feed, Status Updates, Photos & Links'
  • Caching Improvements - The application uses the device memory more efficiently.
  • Feed Pre-fetching - The user will not be required to wait while their Facebook Feeds are updated
  • View Profile Menu Option - Clients may easily view their own profile by selecting 'View my Profile' from the menu. "

Give it a go and be sure to report your findings in the comments.

Air Canada Releases Application for BlackBerry Smartphones

Air Canada

Air Canada announced the release of their new BlackBerry application today. Customers will be able to access numerous features from within the application, expediting their travel and making for a better overall experience. With the Air Canada application, you can easily check flights, receive notifications, check in, find flights, book flights and more. You can customize for various notifications for flights and other alerts as well. The application is a free download and should be extremely useful to travelers who fly Air Canada. Hopefully more airlines (and other agencies like rental cars and hotels) will put out apps of their own to make traveling that much easier. The Air Canada app is available free in BlackBerry App World, or by visiting mobile.aircanada.com.

White BlackBerry Bold Arriving On AT&T October 18th

White Bold Arriving On AT&T October 18th

It's been rumored, fondled and confirmed a good many times by now that the white Bold which is set to come to AT&T on October 18th, and later on Rogers, is probably no longer white. If you've got a love for the snow white BlackBerry Bold, it'll set you back $200 provided you're not holding out for the Bold 9700 Series which should be following alongside this release any time now. Rogers customers, we're still waiting to see a release date for "Snow White" (as I like to call it) in Canada but it can't be that far off.

BlackBerry Messenger 5.0 Now Available!

BlackBerry Messenger 5.0 Now Available for Download

* Update: It seems those of us running leaked versions of OS 5.0 are good to go!!!! *

We knew it was coming as we saw this email drop to some partners earlier in the week, so it was just a waiting game. A lot of you have been playing around with leaked versions of BBM5 and never wanted to see a standard BBM version again - well now you don't have to! BlackBerry Messenger 5.0 is now officially available in BlackBerry App World for devices running OS 4.5 and higher. Check out the link below to download. As for what's new in BlackBerry Messenger 5.0, here's the quick summary:

  • Avatars can be easily set up and then populated from BlackBerry Contacts
  • Group Functionality - allows groups of friends, family and personal contacts to stay connected & share experiences instantly on their BlackBerry smartphones:
    • ongoing group chat
    • sharing pictures
    • organizing tasks and events with shared lists and calendars
  • Bar-code identity - easily add/invite contacts to BlackBerry Messenger by displaying a 2-dimensional bar code that the invitees can capture with their BlackBerry camera
  • Large Media File Transfer - up to 6MB

* Note: While BBM 5.0 will definitely work on official releases of OS 5.0, we're not sure yet as I post this if it will work on previously leaked versions of OS 5.0. Be sure to report back in the comments if you're having success or not, and back up your BBM contacts before upgrading. *

A Close Video Look At The BlackBerry Bold 9700

Just in case you have not gotten enough of a look at the 9700 recently, Tinhte.com is now showing off some splendid high res pictures of an AT&T branded 9700 placed up against its siblings. A nice video walkthrough is available after that jump, but be advised it is not in English so unless you speak Vietnamese you may wish to kill the volume. Also, Tinhte.com has a complete tear down of the 9700 for those of you who like to see devices stripped down to their nekkidness. I couldn't bear to go through it all, I was almost brought to tears even though it's an older revision.

LaterFlag - Flag Your Emails For Follow Up

LaterFlag: Flag Your Emails For Follow Up!

Fabian Heuwieser has been back at work on his awesome and most importantly useful BlackBerry applications. This time around he has created LaterFlag, an application which allows you to flag your emails in two ways (high or low priority) for follow up at a later time. Best of all it's a free application.

Most of you who are running a 5.0 leaked OS will have noticed this type of service is indeed integrated into the OS, but those of you on older devices where 5.0 is not available are going to want to grab this one for sure. Is it just me or does Fabian seem like a porcrastinator to you all? First LaterDude, now LaterFlag - the man likes to put things off, but I'll assume it's just to make us great apps for our devices. Thanks go out to Fabian for bringing us just what our devices need, no more..no less.

BIS 2.8 Upgrade Coming Sooner Than We Think?


We got a tip this morning that there is a rumoured data outage for October 3rd. During that time, we are told RIM will be kicking it up and upgrading to BIS 2.8 for North American carriers. We originally thought the update would come in September, but in the style of Desktop Manager for Mac, being fashionably late in October may be the way to go.

"There is a RIM infrastructure upgrade scheduled for 10/03/2009 at 2:01:00 AM EST. During the maintenance window RIM will update the BIS Platform to Version 2.8 that supports the Americas; according to RIM all Blackberry Internet Services are expected to be down for 240 minutes. According to RIM this will affect all carriers on the North America Relay."

Updated BeejiveIM Beta 1.9.6 Released for Trackball Devices


I just ran across a thread in the forums and saw that BeejiveIM has tossed out another beta update. The app is currently at version 1.9.6 and includes some cool updates this time around. There are some minor UI changes among other things, but perhaps the coolest feature is the option to have push notifications to and email address when the app is running in the backgound. The new features include:

  • file transfers via link, you can now transfer files to buddies on all IM accounts.
  • push when app running in background (see preferences in app).
  • send voice notes
  • send GPS location (if supported by phone)
  • new chat styles & background images
  • new buddy list layouts
  • improved battery life
  • overall UI redesign
  • various other bug fixes & enhancements

The beta is available in various versions for all trackball devices (an updated Storm version is on the way) running OS 4.2 or higher.


This is beta software and not a production release. Bugs and defects are to be expected! Please report any defects in this forum.

This beta is NOT for the Storm - a new Storm build is coming soon. This beta is also not supported on devices with OS's below 4.2.1 or the 5.0 beta OS.

Please uninstall your old version, restart the phone, and use the link below to install the latest beta.

Over the air (direct download to BB)
http://www.beejive.com/otabeta4.6_vga (4.6 OS and higher, VGA screen: Bold, Tour, 8900 Curve)
http://www.beejive.com/otabeta4.6 (4.6 OS and higher, NON-VGA screen: 8220 Pearl Flip, 8350 Curve)
http://www.beejive.com/otabeta4.3 (4.3 OS and higher)
http://www.beejive.com/otabeta4.2.1 (4.2.1 OS and higher)

Desktop Install
http://www.beejive.com/beta4.6_vga (4.6 OS and higher, VGA screen: Bold, Tour, 8900 Curve)
http://www.beejive.com/beta4.6 (4.6 OS and higher, NON-VGA screen: 8220 Pearl Flip, 8350 Curve)
http://www.beejive.com/beta4.3 (4.3 OS and higher)
http://www.beejive.com/beta4.2.1 (4.2.1 OS and higher)